The start of my journey

Please research for yourself any facts presented; don't blndly accept information given by anyone. Practice researching from unbiased resourses and practice your critical thinking skills. If you don't have any, then learn some. It's crucial to our society that people learn to think for themselves rather than accepting the dominant narrative. Our government tells you what it wants you to think. Behavior follows belief.

Hello, my name is Mary Evon Rogers. I just go by Evon.

I left from Riverside, California in Novemeber 2021. Life for so many people changed due to the government's response to COVID 19 appearing in all our lives. Working as a caregiver, I still had opportunities for jobs. It was the mask mandate that made my life even more challenging. I have a medical condition that exempted me from wearing a mask, but that didn't stop people from reacting, demanding proof of my medical condition, or banning me from going about my daily life in so many ways. Including excluding me from working in many homes as a caregiver. Some people cared and some people didn't. The home health agencies kept up the appearance of complying with the mandate, but I would go to homes to provide care, and some clients would ask me to remove my mask. Yes I had a medical condition that exempted me from wearing a mask. but if I wanted to still be able to support myself, I had to go along with an illegal mandate. Not only was the mandate illegal, there was no accurate science behind it.


It's like the persons in power who call the shots in our society, enact parameters that restrict normal human functioning and then they sit back to watch the chaos and suffering they deliberately orchestrate. And they are always exempt from the rules they create. There was a picture of Anthony Fauci that circulated on the internet, where he was sitting between two persons in an empty sports stadium during the height of the pandemic. Each person on either side of him was wearing a mask. Anthony Fauci was not. To me, that picture said it all.

The person who was my roomate in Riverside worked in Newport Beach for a company that made computer chips for private companies and the government. So of course they were allowed to continue producing their product. The state government under Gavin Newsom acted arbitraily in regards to what businesses could operate and which ones were shutdown. Strip clubs were open, churches were not. Restaurants owners spents hundreds of thousands of dollars to comply with the mandatory guidelines and created outdoor eating spaces. They ended up being shut down while the movie industry's identical outdoor eating spaces that went along with the movie shoots and filming, were allowed to operate. It was chaos as so many people's livelihood's were affected.


Although my roomate worked back to back 12 hours shifts overnight and the law exempted him from wearing a mask during work, this information was not well known nor put out by his company. He suffered from wearing a mask and glasses that would be fogged up by his breath and thus was unable to see well. And the accompanying anxiety and effects of lack of adequate amounts of oxygen in his body.

As a former science major and having studied human anatomy, physiology, and biology extensively, I understood that the lack of oxygen suppresses our immune system. In other word, wearing a mask makes our immune system weaker, less able to do its job. Like protect us from COVID. There is a name for this condition. It's called hypoxemia defined as low levels of oxygen in your blood. According to the Cleveland Clinic, it causes symptoms like headache, difficulty breathing, rapid heart rate, and bluish skin. Not getting enough oxygen in our system is a stressor to the body. Please think critically about why in schools we are not taught human biology or science. Not enough to empower ourselves. If we were knowledgeable about science and human biology we would have challenged the mask mandates as absurdity. And perhaps educated our lawmakers on the effects of restricting humans from breathing properly. Our breath is our connection to God.



I left California and went to Northern Arizona. I choose Cottonwood as the town to go to and thought I was hired for a part-time job for a reduced rent. I'm trained as a Peer Support Specialist and am a certified Holistic Health Coach. I thought in this job as a manager of a sober living home, that I could use my skills to effectively assists person in recovery. As it turned out, Angie's House in Cottonwood is a fraudulent, unlicensed business operating as fake sober living homes throughout Cottonwood. And the job itself was non-existant. Her ads on Craiglist are ploys to get paying residents in her homes. Deceit and misrepresention are her modus operandi; definition: a mode of operating or working.